October 31st, 12:30-2:30pm
9850 Distribution Ave, San Diego, CA 92121
The San Diego Food Bank feeds, on average, 320,000 people per month. Come help! We will most likely be inspecting, sorting, boxing, and labeling food donations. Please wear closed-toe shoes.
RSVP to Elizabeth (DCL.ChaliceUU@gmail.com), and then complete the registration/sign-up process as follows. Each person will have to register AND sign up for a shift (registering does not automatically sign you up for the shift). Simply visit www.sandiegofoodbank.org and follow the volunteer links; when you get to the online calendar you will have to register. During the registration process you will be asked to enter a join code which will be cuuc1 (no spaces, no caps). Once you complete the registration process you will be able to sign up for the 12:30-2:30 shift.