President’s Message for August 2023

Your Chalice Board of Trustees will be working with you to complete important projects this year. In the spirit of transparency, I’ll be using this column to provide more information about our first goal, the evaluation of our minister. Subsequent information about our other goals, creating a long range plan and a new vision statement, will be in future columns.

As Unitarian Universalists, we are fortunate that we encourage healthy reflection of ourselves and our leadership. As a covenantal community, our relationship to each other is strengthened when we engage in these practices. As we strive to grow within our spiritual journeys, our minister similarly finds her own path for growth and reflection. Through thoughtful evaluation, we can assist our minister in ongoing development and support their roles as spiritual leaders.

We all want our minister to do well and strengthen their connection to our community. It’s important that the Ministerial Evaluation is not about criticism or judgment; it’s about collective growth and development. We know that every minister has their own unique strengths and we want to support them on their ministerial journey.

The Ministerial Evaluation is designed as a highly collaborative and transparent process. I am pleased that trusted community leaders Carol Simpson and Kathy Zapata have agreed to join me in this process. We will ensure that various perspectives are considered and that confidentiality is maintained. To maintain the integrity of the Ministerial Evaluation, all aspects of the evaluation process are treated with confidentiality and respect. This approach ensures that the evaluation is focused on enhancing ministry and fostering an environment of trust.

Our minister will also be encouraged to engage in self-assessment, allowing her to reflect on her strengths, opportunities for growth, and fulfillment of ministerial expectations.

As we work to complete this goal, let’s keep the spirit of our mission statement, “inspire individual and communal spiritual growth,” always with love at the center.

Should you have any questions, the best way to reach me is via email at

In love and service,
