It seems like there is so much happening all at the same time and it can feel overwhelming. It was nice to take a break with the return of our annual music service and fill our hearts with singing and joy again. For me, that is a big part of having a community like Chalice, to be able to connect and share our joys and sorrows, our thoughts and concerns, our lives. And when I do it in person, it is all that much better.
Our annual congregational meeting is coming up on Sunday, June 11th, at 12:30pm after the second service. This is where we elect our officers and Board of Trustees and approve next year’s budget. I encourage everyone to attend to find out a little more about how Chalice works and what is happening behind the scenes. The best part of that meeting for me is when we acknowledge and thank all our volunteers and staff for doing the countless tasks that are needed to allow our congregation to function.
As summer approaches, I wish all of you safe travels on your vacations and family visits. There are also a number of auction parties and concerts to attend, where you can get better acquainted with members of our community. Look for opportunities in the Enuus or elsewhere in this Newsletter.
This is my last Newsletter column as Board president. It has been a privilege to serve this congregation and I thank all my fellow Board members for their patience and service this year. As past president, I will still be active on the Board next year and hope to explore some new directions and opportunities.
Inspire, connect, act.
Tom Carlstrom, Board President