We look forward to welcoming you as a Sunday pulpit guest!

  • Our service is at 10 a.m.
  • There is a parking spot reserved for Rev. Wylie, to the immediate right as you enter our driveway. You are welcome to park there on Sunday morning.
  • We do not provide a written order of service, but our worship associate can give you a copy of our cue sheet

The following is our congregation’s standard order of service. We do not change our liturgy for pulpit guests.

Gathering Song “You Are Welcome Here”
Welcome words (worship associate)
Chime (video)
Chalice Lighting words (worship associate)
Call to Worship (worship associate or pulpit guest)
Hymn #1
Joys and Sorrows (worship associate)
Story (video)
Singing out the children
Introduction to the pulpit guest (worship associate)
Reading (if the pulpit guest provides one, could be spoken or video)
Sermon (pulpit guest)
Hymn #2
Offering (words, music, affirmation) (worship associate)
Special music or Interlude music
Prayer (worship associate)
Hymn #3
Closing words and chalice extinguishing (worship associate)
Closing song “The Well”