President’s Column for August

I recently returned from a vacation including a family reunion, a trip through rural upstate New York, and visits with old childhood friends along the way. It is nice to connect with the past and reminisce, but mostly I delighted in seeing new grandchildren and discussing current issues and future possibilities. I felt how my past has formed a strong foundation upon which I can build for the future. I am feeling the same way about Chalice. Recently, we have had services by past Chalice ministers Elizabeth Bukey and David Miller. I remember when they were doing internships at Chalice. Now they are successful ministers at congregations of their own. It was so nice hearing from them again and seeing how they have grown and matured.

Our Chalice campus is slowly coming back to life. In-person and hybrid Sunday services are working well. I’ve been attending service in-person and it is so nice to hear live music and participate in congregational singing again. And there is no substitute for coffee hour on the patio. Other congregational meetings and programs are also starting to meet on site.

Chalice has received matching grants for the installation of solar panels and for technology hardware to help us with hybrid services. Fundraisers for these needed projects will be starting soon and I encourage everyone find a little something to give.

We are in the midst of change, whether it be climate, political, cultural, or technological. Our Board of Trustees is exploring ways to keep Chalice relevant and effective in meeting the evolving needs of the congregation and community, and fulfilling our mission. We would love to hear from you.


Tom Carlstrom, Board President