President’s Column for March 2025

Greetings Chalice!

It’s March, and you know what that means! In addition to our March Madness “Favorite Pacific Ocean Dweller” voting (go Leafy Sea Dragon!), it’s also the beginning of our Annual Pledge Drive! Pledges of financial support from members and friends are what makes our beloved Chalice community possible, so in March and April we will be asking you to make your annual pledge to Chalice. You will be receiving an email before March 16 with the details, but here are some highlights:

  • Pledge Drive Theme – “Together: A Force For Good”. Our Pledge Drive Task Force is so excited about this theme and can’t wait to share it with you!
  • Sunday, March 16 – Pledge Drive kickoff and pledge packet pickup
  • Sunday, April 13 – Celebration Sunday. Celebration Sunday marks the end of our Pledge Drive and we celebrate after service with fun for the kids and tacos on the patio.

There are other amazing things happening at Chalice in March, such as these family friendly auction events open to the entire congregation:

  • Sunday, March 2 @ 11:30am – “Potluck and Improv Comedy” – Enjoy a potluck after service followed by an afternoon of quick thinking creativity, cunning, comedy, and likely a very liberal dose of corniness!  Suggested donation of $10/individual, $20/family. (Potluck is free for everyone!)
  • Saturday, March 22 @ 2:00pm – “Game Night Concert” – Tim McKnight and Jennifer Savion are hosting this unique event featuring an innovative combination of music and games. $20 suggested donation.

Here are more March events, centering on social justice:

  • Saturday, March 1 @ 9a – Beach Cleanup – Check your email for the details on this event in Oceanside, led by the Surfrider Foundation.
  • Every 2nd Saturday of the month – Volunteer to serve dinner at the Interfaith Turk Center in Escondido. Contact Steve Schlesinger for details and to get on his mailing list. This is so popular, Steve is considering adding an additional Saturday each month to serve dinner.
  • March and every month – Get on the Social Justice mailing list by contacting Paul Courtright or Marshall Fogel. There is important work to be done and there is no one better to do it with than your fellow Chalice congregants.

I hope all these events remind you that even in the midst of all that is happening in our country and wider world, there is still goodness and joy to be found – even if we have to create it ourselves.

Blessings to you all,

Lara Brown

President, Board of Trustees