President’s Message for January, 2024

Happy New Year!

I smile as I look forward to all the happenings at Chalice. Here’s some updates from the Board as we start this new year:

You may recall that this year we are conducting a scheduled evaluation of our minister. The task force continues to work on this and hopefully have everything completed this Spring.

A task force is currently working on creating a new vision statement. Our vision statement is over a decade old, so it is well past time to clarify the vision of who Chalice is and where we wish to go. More information will be forthcoming about how you can weigh in on this important work. Should you wish to join this task force, please let me know. This is a great role for someone who likes to work on committees with a firm end goal and a timeline.

After the vision statement, the team has decided to work on the 5-year plan. You’ll recall that our last 5-year plan was completed in 2018. So much has changed since then. This is important work and I thank the team for their efforts on this (Marianna, Amber, Tom, Carol, Sarah and Dennis).

The last task force surrounds our bi-laws and policy book. The team is working hard to make suggestions to make the information more streamlined. We are looking forward to seeing what suggestions they make in the Spring.

Wishing you a beautiful start to a new year.

In love and service,
