It sometimes feels like the holidays pass as a great storm. We hunker down and wait it out. That was true in many parts of our country as the blizzard of 2022 hit. Here, we had 80 degree weather on Christmas day, but there was still the feel of a great storm passing.
As I look back on 2022 and towards the new year ahead, I am reminded of the flaws in our human nature and how terrible we can be in some ways. But I also see the great achievements humanity has made in overcoming our more base natures. And this is one of the roles Chalice plays in our lives and our community. Together, we explore where we have been and where we want to go. The arc of humanity slowly bends to justice and equality.
One of the Board goals this year is to develop a 5 year outlook plan for our Congregation. We need input from everyone on what should be our goals and vision for our Chalice community. Please feel free to contact me or any member of the Board to offer your ideas and suggestions.
Wishing you all an enlightened and empowering New Year!
Inspire, connect, act.
Tom Carlstrom, Board President