Topic: Sources

“Unwanted Identities”

We spend most of our lives working towards who we want to be. But we are also influenced by who we don’t want to be. Shame researcher Brene Brown calls these unwanted identities. This morning we will reflect on who we do and don’t want … read more.

“Attached to Non-Attachment”

Today is the Hindu holiday Janmashtami, the celebration of Lord Krishna’s birthday. We honor this special day with an exploration of the Bhagavad Gita and some of the challenging teachings from this sacred text.

“Waiting for”

In December we joyfully look ahead to holidays we know are coming But we live much of our lives in uncertainty, waiting and hoping for events that may not happen. How do we cope with so much uncertainty?
This is the fifth day of Hanukkah … read more.

“Honoring Yom Kippur”

Yom Kuppur, which begins this year at sundown on September 29th, is considered the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, a time for reflection and asking for forgiveness. We honor this High Holy Day by considering how we might offer forgiveness to those who have … read more.